Yes, it has been a long time since I have posted anything on my site. Why? Life happens. What is DRV? It stands for Direct Radio Voice. It is a means of spirit communication via radio white noise. In more recent years, experimenters have discovered that the radio itself is no longer needed to hear…
Spirit Lights Up Cat Ball and says ‘Look’
During a morning spririt communication session, a spirit lights up a cat ball and then says ‘Look’, as if to say “Hey, I just lit up the cat ball like you said.” Amazing!
“Ghost Hunting Tools” app session 12/13/2022
I recently started using the “Ghost Hunting Tools” app on my Android phone. This session took place early in the morning before work. I was sitting in my truck, across the street from my workplace. Here are some snapshots from the session. The complete word list follows. Word List: 12/13/2022-6:52AM:EXPENSIVE(.52)12/13/2022-6:53AM:TABLESPOON(.47)12/13/2022-6:55AM:PAIN(.48)12/13/2022-6:56AM:STUFF(.82)12/13/2022-6:57AM:CHARLES(.67)12/13/2022-6:57AM:STRAIGHT(.49)12/13/2022-6:59AM:EXPERIENCE(.46)12/13/2022-7:00AM:DESIRE(.51)12/13/2022-7:01AM:FORWARD(.9)12/13/2022-7:01AM:ASSIGN(.65)12/13/2022-7:01AM:SIMILARITY(.5)12/13/2022-7:02AM:ROCKS(.65)12/13/2022-7:03AM:WISH(.48)12/13/2022-7:05AM:SLUR(.46)12/13/2022-7:05AM:STEAM(.63)12/13/2022-7:05AM:TOILET(.54)12/13/2022-7:06AM:HOLY(.51)12/13/2022-7:06AM:PATH(.47)
Visit to Wellington, September 3, 2022
Over the recent Labor Day holiday weekend, I made a visit to Wellington, Washington, the site of the deadliest train disaster in American history. On March 1, 1910, 96 people perished when an avalanche stormed down the mountainside, sweeping the stranded train and passengers down the steep ravine below. I had been to this location…
Spirit warns of low battery on my laptop!
While conducting an early morning ITC session today, I momentarily got up to reheat my coffee. When I returned to my desk, I saw that Windows 10 had popped up a big blue notification that my laptop battery was low. Not one second after that Paralus (which was running on my Android phone and synced…